
PyCWT helper functions.


Allen and Smith autoregressive lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient. In an AR(1) model

x(t) - <x> = \gamma(x(t-1) - <x>) + lpha z(t) ,

where is the process mean, \gamma and lpha are process parameters and z(t) is a Gaussian unit-variance white noise.


x : numpy.ndarray, list Univariate time series


g : float Estimate of the lag-one autocorrelation. a : float Estimate of the noise variance [var(x) ~= a2/(1-g2)] mu2 : float Estimated square on the mean of a finite segment of AR(1) noise, mormalized by the process variance.


[1] Allen, M. R. and Smith, L. A. Monte Carlo SSA: detecting irregular oscillations in the presence of colored noise. Journal of Climate, 1996, 9(12), 3373-3404. <<3373:MCSDIO>2.0.CO;2> [2]

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def ar1(x):
    Allen and Smith autoregressive lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient.
    In an AR(1) model

        x(t) - <x> = \gamma(x(t-1) - <x>) + \alpha z(t) ,

    where <x> is the process mean, \gamma and \alpha are process
    parameters and z(t) is a Gaussian unit-variance white noise.

    x : numpy.ndarray, list
        Univariate time series

    g : float
        Estimate of the lag-one autocorrelation.
    a : float
        Estimate of the noise variance [var(x) ~= a**2/(1-g**2)]
    mu2 : float
        Estimated square on the mean of a finite segment of AR(1)
        noise, mormalized by the process variance.

    [1] Allen, M. R. and Smith, L. A. Monte Carlo SSA: detecting
        irregular oscillations in the presence of colored noise.
        *Journal of Climate*, **1996**, 9(12), 3373-3404.

    x = np.asarray(x)
    N = x.size
    xm = x.mean()
    x = x - xm

    # Estimates the lag zero and one covariance
    c0 = x.transpose().dot(x) / N
    c1 = x[0:N-1].transpose().dot(x[1:N]) / (N - 1)

    # According to A. Grinsteds' substitutions
    B = -c1 * N - c0 * N**2 - 2 * c0 + 2 * c1 - c1 * N**2 + c0 * N
    A = c0 * N**2
    C = N * (c0 + c1 * N - c1)
    D = B**2 - 4 * A * C

    if D > 0:
        g = (-B - D**0.5) / (2 * A)
        raise Warning('Cannot place an upperbound on the unbiased AR(1). '
                      'Series is too short or trend is to large.')

    # According to Allen & Smith (1996), footnote 4
    mu2 = -1 / N + (2 / N**2) * ((N - g**N) / (1 - g) -
                                 g * (1 - g**(N - 1)) / (1 - g)**2)
    c0t = c0 / (1 - mu2)
    a = ((1 - g**2) * c0t) ** 0.5

    return g, a, mu2

ar1_spectrum(freqs, ar1=0.0)

Lag-1 autoregressive theoretical power spectrum.


freqs : numpy.ndarray, list Frequencies at which to calculate the theoretical power spectrum. ar1 : float Autoregressive lag-1 correlation coefficient.


Pk : numpy.ndarray Theoretical discrete Fourier power spectrum of noise signal.



Source code in pycwt/
def ar1_spectrum(freqs, ar1=0.):
    Lag-1 autoregressive theoretical power spectrum.

    freqs : numpy.ndarray, list
        Frequencies at which to calculate the theoretical power
    ar1 : float
        Autoregressive lag-1 correlation coefficient.

    Pk : numpy.ndarray
        Theoretical discrete Fourier power spectrum of noise signal.


    # According to a post from the MadSci Network available at
    # the time-series spectrum for an auto-regressive model can be
    # represented as
    # P_k = \frac{E}{\left|1- \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} a_k \, e^{2 i \pi
    #   \frac{k f}{f_s} } \right|^2}
    # which for an AR1 model reduces to
    freqs = np.asarray(freqs)
    Pk = (1 - ar1 ** 2) / np.abs(1 - ar1 * np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * freqs)) \
        ** 2

    return Pk


Forces the probability density function of the input data to have a boxed distribution.


x (array like) : Input data


X (array like) : Boxed data varying between zero and one. Bx, By (array like) : Data lookup table.

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def boxpdf(x):
    Forces the probability density function of the input data to have
    a boxed distribution.

    x (array like) :
        Input data

    X (array like) :
        Boxed data varying between zero and one.
    Bx, By (array like) :
        Data lookup table.

    x = np.asarray(x)
    n = x.size

    # Kind of 'unique'
    i = np.argsort(x)
    d = (np.diff(x[i]) != 0)
    j = find(np.concatenate([d, [True]]))
    X = x[i][j]

    j = np.concatenate([[0], j + 1])
    Y = 0.5 * (j[0:-1] + j[1:]) / n
    bX = interp(x, X, Y)

    return bX, X, Y

fft_kwargs(signal, **kwargs)

Return next higher power of 2 for given signal to speed up FFT

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def fft_kwargs(signal, **kwargs):
    """Return next higher power of 2 for given signal to speed up FFT"""
    if _FFT_NEXT_POW2:
        return {'n': int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(len(signal))))}


Returns the indices where ravel(condition) is true.

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def find(condition):
    """Returns the indices where ravel(condition) is true."""
    res, = np.nonzero(np.ravel(condition))
    return res


Returns the location of the cache directory.

Source code in pycwt/
def get_cache_dir():
    """Returns the location of the cache directory."""
    # Sets cache directory according to user home path.
    cache_dir = '{}/.cache/pycwt/'.format(expanduser('~'))
    # Creates cache directory if not existant.
    if not exists(cache_dir):
    # Returns cache directory.
    return cache_dir

rect(x, normalize=False)

TODO: describe what I do.

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def rect(x, normalize=False):
    """TODO: describe what I do."""
    if type(x) in [int, float]:
        shape = [x, ]
    elif type(x) in [list, dict]:
        shape = x
    elif type(x) in [np.ndarray,]:
        shape = x.shape
    X = np.zeros(shape)
    X[0] = X[-1] = 0.5
    X[1:-1] = 1

    if normalize:
        X /= X.sum()

    return X

rednoise(N, g, a=1.0)

Red noise generator using filter.


N : int Length of the desired time series. g : float Lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient. a : float, optional Noise innovation variance parameter.


y : numpy.ndarray Red noise time series.

Source code in pycwt/
def rednoise(N, g, a=1.):
    Red noise generator using filter.

    N : int
        Length of the desired time series.
    g : float
        Lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient.
    a : float, optional
        Noise innovation variance parameter.

    y : numpy.ndarray
        Red noise time series.

    if g == 0:
        yr = np.randn(N, 1) * a
        # Twice the decorrelation time.
        tau = int(np.ceil(-2 / np.log(np.abs(g))))
        yr = lfilter([1, 0], [1, -g], np.random.randn(N + tau, 1) * a)
        yr = yr[tau:]

    return yr.flatten()